252 Main Street - P. O. Box 206
Warren, Maine 04864
(207) 273-2338

You are invited to worship with us -to fellowship with us
To experience Gods' Love with us.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry

As many of you are aware, our church provides prayer shawls to those in need of comfort, hope and peace. The shawls are lovingly made by members of the congregation.
Prayer shawls are intended to be a reminder of God’s ever present love. A prayer shawl is a gift for every time and every occasion—joyful or sorrowful, for every circumstance of life—chosen or unchosen, when you are weeping or when you are celebrating. The power of the prayer shawl is in its physical properties and source of warmth.

Shawls are periodically blessed in our sanctuary, then are given as a symbol of the embracing, unconditional love of God. The blessing ripples from person-to-person, with both the giver and receiver feeling the unconditional embrace of God! The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a faith sharing community.
Anyone in our congregation can give a shawl to whomever they feel needs one. Some of the shawls will be placed in a downstairs cupboard for easy access. There are cards available to be attached to the shawls. There is also a log book to register who the shawl is given to and who gave it.
The ministry is open to anyone who has the skills to knit or crochet or who would like to learn how to knit or crochet. Whether you knit or crochet quickly or slowly, your help is welcome to make fulfill the mission of spreading God’s love through prayer shawls.
Shawls can be created at home and brought into church.
Meeting of The Prayer Shawl Ministry will be determined at a later date and days and times will be posted. If you enjoy knitting or crocheting or would just like to get together or need to request a shawl, please contact Gayle White or Carolyn Robinson.