252 Main Street - P. O. Box 206
Warren, Maine 04864
(207) 273-2338

You are invited to worship with us -to fellowship with us
To experience Gods' Love with us.
Imagine with all your mind, Believe with all your heart, Achieve with all your might.

Scouting is unique. It is based on the principles of loving and serving God, of human dignity and the rights of individuals, and of recognizing the obligation of members to develop and use their potential. It is a movement dedicated to bringing out the best in people.
Scouting doesn't emphasize winning as an end result, but rather the far more demanding task of doing one's best.
Here at SCCW we have Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Weblos, Girl Scouts, and Brownie activities.
Several Boys Scouts earned their Eagle badges, check out the pictures and videos of Jared Mank's Night.
Click here for pictures
Click here for video
On November 20, 2015, the gentlemen of Boy Scout Troop 254 held a Court of Honor at the Second Congregational Church. 11 Rank advancements were awarded, as well as upwards of 50 merit badges.
Softly fades the light of day, as my campfire fades away.... Congratulations to the scouts of BSA Troop 254 on their Court of Honor tonight. Congratulations to Chris for earning his Bronze and Gold Palms!
December 2016

This fall, the scouts will have participated in several community service projects, including: flag removal from Warren cemeteries and a flag retirement ceremony, leading the Pledge of Allegiance at Medomak Middle School for the Veteran's Day ceremony, and being "elves" for the annual "Jingle Bell Express" put on by the Kiwanis Club of Rockland.
The Troop is currently raising funds for a week-long camping trip to Washington DC over April vacation, 2015. Scouts will be visiting many of the Nation's monuments, museums, Mount Vernon, Arlington NationalCemetery, and trips to the White House & Pentagon.
They will be holding a "Parent's Night Out" on Friday, December 12th at the Second Congregational Church. The scouts will offer babysitting for school-aged children, grades pre-K - 6 from 6:00 - 9:00PM. Cost is $15 per child, withthe maximum family cost of $35.00. Crafts, snacks, movies and a BIG Lego table are offered to keep children busy while parents get in Christmas
shopping or a night out to themselves. We are grateful to the support of the Church, for helping our scouts earn their way to DC.
Troop 1160 meets weekly at the Warren Free Public Library on Tuesdays after school.

Scout Emily W. on the Acadia Fun Park ropes course
Scout Ava P. getting supplies ready to make soaps

Scouts on the staircase at Thunder Hole, Acadia National Park

Scouts Olivia B., Emily W,Grace K, and Chloe B at the top
of Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park at sunrise